Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Scripps Networks Launches New Online Network
iPhone teaser ad
i thought it as brilliant- simple, fun, and a great concept. it seems as if licensing the clips from the major studios will pave the way for new multimedia content that will be featured on the iPhone.
shuffling speakers
Microsoft vs. Playstation
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Myspace clip!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
MySpace Postcards
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Gmail opens its doors
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Half never used telephone?? Really??
Did anyone else enjoy Rebecca Woolf?
Did anyone else enjoy Rebecca Woolf today? Just curious. :)
next week's speaker: lockhart steele
Source of USC trivia
Reminder: rebecca woolf
just a reminder - today's speaker is rebecca woolf of girls gone child and babble. rebecca was mentioned in last week's Time magazine and she posted a response on her blog. she'll be discussing this dust-up on the issue of our intersecting private and public spheres, as well as her experiences writing the blog, getting a book deal and hosting chats for the starlight foundation. see you all later.
LA to get free wifi
Downtown Long Beach has it. Culver City has. Now it looks like all of LA will have it too - by 2009. Villaraigosa plans to install municipal wifi across LA: "Such a project, covering 498 square miles of the sprawling city, would be a massive undertaking, costing somewhere around $54-$62 million." Of course, the day the mayor made this announcement, Houston decided to one up us, and announced a plan for 600 sq miles of free wifi.
Its not clear yet if LA's free wifi will be as "free" as Culver City's - which installed filtering software to prevent illegal downloads and surfing porn. The software can also prevent all peer to peer traffic, even the legal exchange of content. (but its unclear if that has ever been activated).
what do you guys think? does this amount to goverment censorship or protection? does it defeat the purpose of free wifi or enhance it?
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
The Evolution of Dance
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
New online community
Thanks to the internet and the evolution of web-based software programs in schools, however, many of those geographic barriers no longer exist. Now, a new online community has emerged that promises to democratize the process of curriculum development, giving educators the ability to tailor instructional content to the needs of their students, wherever they are, free of charge.
Dubbed the "Wikipedia of curriculum" by its creators, the online community known as Curriki -- accessible at -- aims to provide a place online where educators from anywhere in the world can post curricula and lesson plans for review and use by fellow classroom teachers.
Coca Cola Commercial
Toyota's Scion parks in Second Life
This can also be related to last week's class where the guest speaker was taking about "point-of-reception" marketing, and Toyota is marketing to those who have not necessarily considered the Toyota brand. Who knows, their point of greatest receptivity might be through Second Life.
A MySpace for Mom and Dad
P.S. Feel free to tell your parents about the new site!!
René Magritte
Monday, February 12, 2007
Virtual world meets real world
(I couldn't figure out how to post the video so here is the link.)
Tragic News
watching all the oscar movies - now
far be it for me to advocate illegal downloading, or encouraging piracy, but just as an fyi: boingboing points us to this site, that allows you to download all of this year's oscar-nominated movies:
OscarTorrents is an audacious new site from The Pirate Bay: a search-engine for torrents of this year's Oscar nominees.from the site itself:
OscarTorrents is the Oscars as it should be -- everyone can download the year's nominations using the popular BitTorrent service, watch the movies, then use our rating system to choose their favourites. Why restrict the voting to a few bought-off jurors when the whole world can have their say?
midterm assignment
Comm 321 Midterm Paper Assignment
Due Date: March 8, 2007 by end of class
Your paper must be based on the assigned readings on these topics. You should also include additional sources, but to satisfy the assignment your paper must clearly demonstrate that you have read and integrated the specific assigned material into your approach to the topic. The primary criterion for grading the paper will be how well you have used the reading materials to answer the questions posed.
In addition to the assigned readings, feel free to also use the articles and books below as the source material for your paper. You may also search for additional relevant sources though Lexis-Nexis, the USC library, and the E-Resources available through USC’s library (
Boneva, K., Kraut, R., & Frolich, D. (2001). Using e-mail for personal relationships. The difference gender makes. Available:
Flanagin, A., Tiaamornwong, V., O'Connor, J., & Seibold, D. (2002). Computer-mediated group work: The interaction of member sex and anonymity. Communication Research, Vol 29(1), 66-93. Available:
McKenna, K. Y. A., Green, A. S., & Gleason, M. E. J. (2002). Relationship formation on the Internet: What's the big attraction? Journal of Social Issues, Vol 58(1), Spr 2002, 9-31. Available:
Parks, M.R., & Floyd, K. (1996). Making friends in cyberspace. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication [On-line], 1 (4). Available:
Putnam, R.D. 2000. Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community.
Another piece on the digital divide
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Youtube Scandal
For more info and pictures visit:
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Displacement Theory
Friday, February 9, 2007
"Caught on Tape" 20/20 (on now!)
Here's the link to the 20/20 page which includes a few clips and such on the subject:
"Caught on Tape"
Cell phone spam
Get outta my phone!
Spammers are getting crafty - they're sending text messages to your cell phone. But Fortune's Julie Schlosser is fighting back.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
additional reading for week 6
Recommended, but not required, is this article from the UN Chronicle: Digital Divide into Digital Opportunities.
pushing midterms back
administrative stuff
Additionally, I unfortunately have to cancel our April 26th class. that was supposed to be our conclusion and review class. if you feel you need a review class in order to work on your final papers, I'm happy to schedule a supplementary class, or try to conduct the class online.
see you all later today.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
If you eat as much as I do...
Steve Jobs and DRM
this will have many interesting implications for the music industry now that the largest online music retailer supports having restriction free music.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
social music sites
Monday, February 5, 2007
all the super bowl ads
so, what's your favorite? overall, I'd say they were pretty disappointing.
my favorite isn't exactly new - in ran in theaters last summer and has been all over youtube for months now, but I just love it - the coca-cola video game ad. not only does it subvert Grand Theft Auto's unrelenting violence and grittiness celeverly, but it also draws from and further's coke's brand attributes. It continues the coke tradition from its Vietnam-era "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing" (yes, that song was originally a coke advertisement, and no, I dont really remember it when it first ran on TV). its been such a long time since coke was making great ads. I'm glad they are again.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Doritos Commercials
Friday, February 2, 2007
The Long Tail
100% of p.i.n.k.'s profits are donated to breast cancer research...
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Meebo mentioned today in class
Colbert on Blogs:
I ran across this clip and thought it was a nice complement to our discussion about blogging and democracy - and it even outs those "attack bloggers" who would seek to reveal incriminating information about Colbert's dark past...
Meeting planning online with Diarized
Second Life Celebrities
Dot-Coms Getting Smart About SuperBowl Advertisments...Moving to YouTube
The Browser:
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Superbowl ads ditch the Superbowl for YouTube
Colbert Report - Wikilobbying
after it was brought up last week in class, thought you might enjoy colbert's take on microsoft's attempt to edit wikipedia.
and for an academic take on "the wisdom of crowds" you might want to check out James Surowiecki's book with that title.