Wednesday, January 17, 2007

DIY convention - free for college students

I occassionally speak at conferences on topics related to digital media, technology and culture. I have one coming up that I'm particularly excited about - the seventh DIY convention. (DIY stands for Do It Yourself) and the conference focuses on DIY media such as blogging, podcasts, music, publishing and entertainment. I'll be speaking on a panel on blogging on sat feb 10th.

you are under no obligation to attend this festival, but it IS free to college students, if this is something that interests you:
High school and college students with valid ID will be admitted free to the panel portion of the event if they RSVP with full name, address and contact information to by Feb. 1, 2007.
I know you all have a lot of classwork, some of you hold jobs, etc so again, let me reiterate - this is entirely voluntary and does not impact your class grade. just thought some of you might find it interesting.

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